The Species in Between Memory and Reverie
Original Score

The Species in Between
Memory and Reverie
Original Score

“The Species in between Memory and Reverie” is a short-film that reflects on the synergy between image and music and how, together, they can create and develop an emotional and sensorial narrative without the use of words or dialogues.
The score was produced by Ricardo Mineiro, with the special participation of Gabriel Bôtto in one of the songs.
“The Species in between Memory and Reverie” is a short-film that reflects on the synergy between image and music and how, together, they can create and develop an emotional and sensorial narrative without the use of words or dialogues.
The score was produced by Ricardo Mineiro, with the special participation of Gabriel Bôtto in one of the songs.

Original Score

Original Score

“Aurora” is a horror short-film that follows a girl going through withdrawal while she is forced to face a strange, ominous presence that starts to inhabit the world around her, tormenting and exploiting her past and sufferings. 
The score is heavily influenced by the horror genre, and it was mainly produced by Ricardo Mineiro, with a special track being produced solely by Gabriel Bôtto.
“Aurora” is a horror short-film that follows a girl going through withdrawal while she is forced to face a strange, ominous presence that starts to inhabit the world around her, tormenting and exploiting her past and sufferings. 
The score is heavily influenced by the horror genre, and it was mainly produced by Ricardo Mineiro, with a special track being produced solely by Gabriel Bôtto.